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  • Writer's pictureMahi Singh

Fact Check: 5 Common Misconceptions About Web Development

1. "Web development is easy.

" FALSE. While there are some easy-to-use web development platforms out there, the reality is that web development is a complex and challenging process. There are a lot of technical skills and knowledge required in order to build a website that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Click here

2. "You don't need to know how to code to be a web developer.

" FALSE. Coding is an essential part of web development. Without coding, you would not be able to create the functionality or design of a website.

3. "Web development is all about the design.

" FALSE. While the design is an important aspect of web development, it is not the only thing that web developers need to be concerned with. Web developers also need to focus on creating a website that is easy to use and navigate, as well as ensuring that the website is able to function properly.

4. "Web development is only for people who are good at math and science.

" FALSE. While web development does require a certain amount of technical skills and knowledge, it is not limited to people who are good at math and science. There are many creative and artistic aspects to web development, such as creating the overall look and feel of a website.

5. "You need to have a lot of experience to be a web developer.

" FALSE. While experience is always helpful, it is not a requirement for becoming a web developer. There are many resources, such as online tutorials and courses, that can help you learn the skills and knowledge needed to be a successful web developer.

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